Cave Stories. Part One

The Laboratory of Creative Ideas STORYBOARD Project

Year: 2018

60 pages

Ukrainian language

Hard cover

Chalk-overlay paper

250 uah

Is it easy to be a ten-year-old boy? Sometimes, it seems to you that your problems are impossible to solve. However, it becomes easier to deal with them if you realize that your peers both in the present and in the ancient times encountered the same difficulties. Even at the dawn of times! And if you have a grandpa with a great sense of humor to tell those stories, the search for answers becomes even easier.

The funny Cave Stories are not a historic narrative. They are stories about the eternal values – friendship, the borders of personal and public, finding of the common tongue, the first love, mistakes and ineradicable curiosity that makes the world go round. And if sometimes mammoths distract you… don’t get mad, better follow them!

The first part of the Сave Stories series introduces us to the main heroes – the grandpa and his grandson from the modern world and two prehistoric tribes